Les multiples embranchements d’un buisson ou la silhouette d’un arbre me révèlent les indices d’une personnalité. J’interprète alors l’humeur d’un jardin, la qualité d’un paysage, le caractère d’une fleur. Entre illustratrice botanique et peintre de paysages, j’offre un regard personnel sur ces êtres vivants, et réalise leurs portraits.
Illustratrice indépendante, spécialité patrimoines culturels et naturels. / Animation de cours d’initiation à la calligraphie et langue chinoises.
Master professionnel Régie des Oeuvres et Médiation de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)
Licence de langue et civilisation chinoises (Université Bordeaux Montaigne)
Formation en calligraphie et peinture chinoises (7 ans) auprès de l’artiste SUN Shanshan (Montpellier)
Diplôme d’Architecte D.P.L.G. (Ecole d’Architecture de Montpellier)
Atelier d’arts plastiques et graphiques Clouet (Paris)
As far as plants are concerned, I can see them as full beings with their own personalities and characteristics. Every branching twig, every petal, every giant tree, every garden has its own inner light.
I was born and grew up in Reunion island, a lush tropical paradise. Drawing came naturally to me, along with a love for Nature.
After spending one year in a painter’s studio in Paris, where I learned basics such as color/ painting / space / live models, I eventually graduated from Montpellier’s School of Architecture.
I worked then as a free-lance illustrator, specializing in the Cultural Heritage field, and developing a genuine taste for everything botanical.
Meanwhile, I studied Chinese calligraphy and painting during 7 years under the guidance of the artist SUN Shanshan, and got a bachelor’s degree in Chinese language (mandarin). I started teaching basic strokes and notions of the Chinese language in local non-profit organisations while finally qualifying as a Museum registrar (Bordeaux university).
I presently am an artist and create colorful interpretations of Nature and all living creatures, as well as commissioned portraits of gardens.